About the school

Al Amal al baraq Al amal al baraq association for people with special needs is an association of service, care, education, rehabilitation and loading of special needs people. It was established by a group of specialist doctors and a group of workers which they work in the field of special care needs in order to raise the level of these people.
It is registered at the ministry of social solidaritry under # (17) date: 24/7/2001.
The association offer services to the kids with special needs, and one of the most important activities is


the services for rehabilitation and education to all kinds of disabilities for special needs people such as
psychological assessment:
it includes doing smartness test and evaluation for abilities of knowledge such as attention and perception, also evaluation for the social skills such as communicate with others, and life skills, personal attributes and evaluate the psychological problems anxiety and depression and its symptoms.
Development of the abilities & skills ites includes to develop the child of all aspects which has shortening

And evaluate the psycological problems anxiety and depression and evaluate the severity of the disorder and its symptoms.

-Development of the abilities & skills:-
IT includes to develop the child of all aspects which has shorting whether it was mintal knowledge or social or behavioral or any other abilities.

-Conversational :-
Includes training for the kids specially for the following cases :
Mental Retardation – Retention speech – head paralysis – stuttering in learning – sting in speech – Difficulty learning – delayed speech and pronounce.

-Behavioral modification :
In it we modified the behaviors and the actionsof the kids specially the strange and unacceptable from the community such as the violence of aggression also attention deficit and all other behaviors .

-Physiotherapy :-
It includes the kids with head paralysis and the problems in moving and balancing , also muscle weakness and nervous system.

-Work therapy and functional therapy :-
Includes the kids training for whom they have problemsin minor movement , (using hands) of using the spoon , toothprush and pen , but before all that how to catch these things .

-we offer all these services to (107) kid from the kids with special needs each one with his case ,and we setup the special program for everycase depending on the evaluation which does by the specialist which they have the qualifications and experiences which gave them the ability to rehabilitation and education all the disabilities , that is going through individually and collectively programs and that is formed 8 am to 3 pm with availability of transportation .

Second :

Internal inclusive service for the special needs people , the board of directors agree to establish the internal section and that to response for the desires of the parents and a service for some cases which need to special care or to relieve the hardship of travelling from or to other provines , the association offer the rehabilitation and care services for these kids throughout period in the association to get the training (Talking – physiotherapy – rebilitation education – behavior amendment - psychiatric rehabilitation … etc ) .

Third :

The association offers services for the disabled orphans and the kids with social problems families after we make study for social situation , and the Board of directors decide if the kid needs to stay inside it or offer the service for him throughout the day and then they go back to the dwelling which he belongs to , for example , the children for sondoss for orphans and disabled and children for Bent Misr association & SOS … etc .
Also the same case according to the kids with a hard social case after they study they situation .
And that in daytime and then they go back to their families afternoon depends on the case .

Fourth :

The service of training the specialists for these cases by sharing all the members in the ( Theoretical and practical ) training for the specialists which they are taking training courses in the direction center in Ain-Shams university & faculty of education in Menofeya university as a favor offers by us to raise the efficiency of workers , also they offer training first and Fourth year of the social service institute and faculty of art to get experience.